Wednesday 17 December 2008


Balls of the washing kind that is. I've recently got a magno-ball, which has the same sort of effect as calgon tablets (i.e. stopping your washing machine becoming utterly clogged with limescale, if, like me, you happen to live in a hard water area). It seems to work but I guess I'll only really know when in fails to break in a few years. If you can notice something not breaking down. I've also got some eco-balls which are like flying saucers you put in the washing machine instead of detergents. They seem to be working quite well, and allegedly last for up to 1000 washes. They also eliminate the need for rinse cycles and fabric softener. Dryer balls I have had almost as long as my tumbler. They bang about and make a noise and in the process bash your clothes, softening them, making them dry faster, and reducing tangles. I have read that tennis balls will work as well, but I haven't used them personally. On drying, if you like those scented sheets you chuck in the tumbler, rags (5x5 bits cotton preferably, old t-shirts or jeans are good) with 5 drops of your chosen essential oil and kept in a Tupperware box work well to give your laundry a nice scent if you chuck in the dryer like those commercial sheets you can buy. One of things with using the washing balls is you laundry smells of nothing, literally nothing which can be a bit odd, although possibly better than the weird synthetic scents like purple diamond and cake flower that purveyors of detergent seem to think we want to make all our clothes smell like. The rags can then be laundered after use and re-scented.

As i type I've been watching Nigella. Looking at her rocky road and the sheer amount of salt that went on that beef I wonder if she's trying to ensure coronary artery disease for all the Christmas.

Here are some links to get you balls off amazon Dryer Balls by Ecozone, Eco balls, Water Softening Magnoball. But they are reasonably widely available in shops and from places like Wiggly Wigglers online (which is where I got my balls (oo er!)).

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

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