Sunday 25 January 2009

mmm tasty

Oooo, I just made Gino's Herby Potato Cakes with Bubbling Goat's Cheese, form the February edition of Cook Vegetarian magazine. They were lovely, really good. This has made me think of two things. 1. Why don't I use fresh thyme more? It's a great herb with a lovely, lovely flavour. and 2. How great is it that there is an entirely vegetarian cooking magazine out now? I love food mags, and buy too many, and get frustrated that at least half of their content doesn't even apply to me. So go out, buy the mag and make the potato cakes, alright?

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

Friday 23 January 2009


Oh, in reference to the last post, I totally forgot to say, sweetcorn is so easy to grow and freshly picked corn tastes like nothing you can buy in a store. People tend not to think of grown sweetcorn but even if you only have a limited space for growing, do look at it, it is easy and well worth it. Yum.

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

mmm, corny

So first up I made a great sweetcorn soup last night and I thought I'd share the love with you all.

2 cobs of sweetcorn, stripped
1 300g tin sweetcorn
1 400g tin of creamed corn
1 red pepper, diced
1 red chili finely diced
4 spring onions, sliced
1 small red onion, diced
1 tbs dark soy sauce
1 tsp marigold swiss bullion powder
1 litre of water

Okay so put the corn no longer on the cob, the pepper and nice green bits of the spring onions in a bowl. Put everything else in a slow cooker, then add half the pepper / corn mix. Pop the slow cooker on high for 2 to 4 hours (I guess you can do this on the hob for 1 hour but you would probably need more liquid). Now blend (carefully, it's hot) the soup mix and put in a saucepan. Add the rest of the pepper/sweetcorn/spring onion mix, bring to the boil and serve in warmed bowls. Serves 4.

Also I used for the first time a cake mix in the bread machine. I used Wright's ginger cake mix. This for no effort made a surprisingly good, slightly sticky ginger cake . I do enjoy baking, but say if I was busy and had guests coming for tea, I would definitely think about throwing one of these in the machine to serve with a morning or afternoon tea.

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

Tuesday 20 January 2009

Obama takes the cake!

Well the 44th president of the USA is inaugurated today and on cupcakes take the cake (a blog guaranteed to make you drool) has a cool display of some of the Obama cupcakes on offer. I just couldn't imagine that ever happening with a prime minister in this country - could you?

How To Get Started With Raw Foods


So last night I finally took the plunge and ordered my bokashi buckets. I will let you know how it goes ...

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

Monday 12 January 2009

Moments of Truth

So the Raw Food Life Force Energy Plan ... well i thought it was going quite well. I'm enjoying it, my mood is brighter and I'm definitely less bloated and having better digestion. Therefore imagine my surprise when I stepped onto the scales yesterday and discovered I'd lost seven pounds, 7 lbs! In one week! I nearly fell off the Wii in surprise, too good to be be true surely? But no apparently not, a diet that's fun to follow and really works? Well I never thought such things existed.

Just thought i'd mention yeterdays lunch which was courgetti with pesto (from Shazzie's Detox Delights) which I really, really love. It's so simple and so lovely. I wish I could find the battery charger for my camera so I could share pics with you all.

How To Get Started With Raw Foods

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Mischief and raw food life force energy!

Okay so I started writing this post on Monday but then I went and got a bunny! A beautiful new boy called Mischief, he was up for 'adoption' as he beat up all the other Bunny's his last owner had! He is beautiful, cute and eating all my curly kale, he is still only a baby though.

So on Monday I started the Raw Food Life Force Energy 21 day programme. It's actually going pretty well so far. The life force power-ade I had for breakfast the fist two days was amazing. I have had unpleasant experiences with green juices before but this tasted amazing. really really zingy and nice, not what I was expecting at all! Today I made The Great Eliminator which was also good. Lunch on the first day was the Cleansing Corn Chowder which was delicious. I've had raw-avocado based soups before and this did not disappoint. I then froze it and took it to work for lunch the next day. Freezing juice works fine, freezing the soup ... not so good, it separated so I had the less than ideal combination of baked potato with cheese for lunch. Dinner the first day was non wheat pasta with vegetables in a tomato sauce, I've come to rely on Parmesan for flavour and forgot just how a good an unadorned pasta dish can be. Yesterday I had a goats cheese salad for an early evening snack at work (i was there 'till gone 9 (although it was only supposed to be 8.30) and then sweet potato wedges at home. I think I left enough time between them for it to not be a combination.

I'm really enjoying this diet, much to my surprise, the food is great and the 21 day programme has lots of little things every day to do so you move and detox more.

Raw Food Life Force Energy: Enter a Totally New Stratosphere of Weight Loss, Beauty, and Health

Monday 5 January 2009

What a lovely new year's gift

No not from me old scrooge that I am, but from the Raw Food Coach Karen Knowler! She's giving away a fab eBook called 13 Wondrous Ways to Wahoo Your Way into 2009! Thanks Karen!

Talking about eBooks that are free and fabulous I have to mention squawkfox's Frugal Food and Fitness, a credit crunch classic.

How To Get Started With Raw Foods