Monday 10 November 2008


So my can-o-worms arrived today. Am very excited but haven't really got a clue about wormeries so this may be trial and error (think of my poor wormies!) It seems great because worms can compost stuff you can't compost otherwise, and do it quick(ish)ly (i hope). I have two 'dalek' composters at the allotment but this is the first composting thing I've got home. (hopefully this will reduce those stinky car journeys taking stuff down for the heap. Anyone know about vermiculture? (Is that the word? I'm not too sure.)

I also got a catalogue with it and as I've been thinking about seed potatoes anyway the salad blue really caught my eye. I confess I am a total sucker for novelty and comedy veg (whats the point of growing stuff it it doesn't amuse you?). But not just for the fun of having blue mash (you know it would be cool) eating a wider variety of colours means you get a wider variety of phytonutrients (so we're told). In Kate Magic's amazing superfood book Raw Magic she talks about not getting enough purple foods in out diet. She's right, I'm not sure I eat many purple foods do you? But how many naturally blue foods do you eat? Blueberries maybe? Anything else? As one the UK's raw food gurus Kate probably wouldn't approve of my blue potatoes though. You can eat them raw mind. You probably wouldn't do do it twice though.

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