Saturday 12 February 2011

 I was intrigued by the time stealing device that is twitter into a debate about feminism. I was struck by the views outlined on half the world is watching and on It's Mothers work. I'm guessing i fall mid-way in age range between these two women and it gives me a different perspective. For a start I don't think I've ever met a man who openly self-defines as feminist, even if on discussion that's how their views pan out. If challenged about feminism most men I know might mumble "yeah I belive in equality and stuff like that " and then wander off. So i was struck by Soph's experience of men calling (or indeed believing) themselves to be feminists, as essentially, a pulling tactic. My experience is of calling oneself a feminist a great way to get rid of unwanted admirers (they still assume feminist means man hater, sigh).

 I can honestly say, if any of my friends of any gender call themselves a feminist I don't know about it. Too many people I know believe the fight for equality is over and done and that there is no point in being a feminist in the 21st century. I bloody wish. Facts are the pay gap is going nowhere fast,  the Cabinet has more men who went to Magdalen college, Oxford than women, and basically its still a patriarchy, yeah.

 Soph's blog post also talks about feminism being used to sell sexism back to us as empowerment. This is such a thorny issue. Basically I think it stinks, but I know plenty of people who reckon pole-fit classes are 'fun and empowering' rather than glamorising and sanitising an often repressive sex industry. I certainly haven't made my mind up on these (or indeed many other issues), but I'm glad to see people (of all genders) talking about these issues. 

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