Tuesday 9 February 2010

Early sowings

Hmmm forgot the camera again.

Planted up the bed I talked about preparing last time - 'Solent Wight' garlic and 'Yellow Moon' and 'Jermor' shallots. I was keen to get them in (esp. the garlic) while it was still cold. We also prepared a bed for parsnip sowing, and started compost trenches in the bean bed.
I'm looking forward to seeing what results this produces, as it was mostly filled with used rabbit bedding, which I have an almost unending source of (my beloved mischief). I'm also being given a cat this week which i'm very excited about but I can't compost it's poo or feed it things from the allotment (mischief is currently existing off sprouts (stalks n'all) and kale (as well as hay, water, and bunny nuggets of course).

As I was (ahem) studying hard today I came across the transition Southampton website and found out about a seed swap this very weekend. Very exciting indeed!

Talking of seeds we sowed outdoor cucumbers and Brussels sprouts last week. I now think it may have been a bit early (note to self read books before sowing) but I guess i'll just have to pot them up indoors until they're ready for the great outdoors. Mind you i'm counting my seedling before they've germinated there.

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